Scientific partners
In 2012, MEDITEST moved to Buc (Yvelines) in the heart of the Saclay-Orsay high-tech valley, which regroups a number of universities, research centers, and industries, including the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
This location near the CEA is a strategic choice because in 2011, Bruno Torres signed an expertise license agreement with the CEA-LNE-LNHB, a primary laboratory.
This scientific partnership with the CEA-LNE-LNHB is formalized by a knowledge transfer license which enables:
- The CEA to transfer the results of their research, offer their customers an industrial solution, and help develop the French economy.
- MEDITEST and the MEDIX LAB laboratory to provide excellent services and a national reference, and to diversity their international business.
The involvement of MEDITEST in public health issues has notably led to a close collaboration with CEA-LNE-LNHB experts, in order to offer optimum safety in X-ray use for everyone.
A product of this partnership was the creation in 2011 of MEDIX LAB, the first French secondary metrology laboratory for calibrating low-energy X-rays, under the guidance of the CEA-LNE-LNHB, national metrology laboratory for ionizing radiation.
This first French secondary laboratory facilitates the calibration of quality control equipment, especially for medical physics. This is due to the fact that this calibration can be done in close proximity, within France, which guarantees not only a very short immobilization period for the equipment but also the opportunity to exchange with metrology experts according to the different types of equipment and requirements of use.
Because MEDIX LAB was built and its calibration procedures developed under the guidance of the CEA-LNE-LNHB, each calibration benefits from an optimum level of technological advance and hence quality.
This partnership has allowed MEDITEST to propose a new offer to its clients—whatever the equipment that needs calibrating. Through this new offer, designed for any brand of equipment, the quality of the control equipment can be reinforced so as to ensure optimum effectiveness.
From this original partnership with the CEA in Saclay, an innovative kind of metrology laboratory was established in France. It’s an example of a public / private collaboration resulting in the first private calibration laboratory for low-energy quality control equipment. MEDIX LAB is unique.
With the support of the ECA, MEDIX LAB obtained its French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) certification in its very first year of inception.
Through the success of this partnership, MEDITEST and the CEA-LNE-LNHB decided to continue their collaboration in terms of research and development to innovate and provide new solutions for various X-rays users.